Thursday, December 16, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010


I like how far you can see off into the distance and the light relfecting off the water and sand. and how thats constrasts against the silouhette of the peir.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010


 i like this panorama shot because of how it gets everybody in the picture and the view is so big
i like this panorama shot because unlike other sunset pictures, it show the whole sky and some of the grass

Monday, October 11, 2010

Favorite Found Face

This is Rusty. Formally known as Robert Gray Wellington. You could say Rusty has had a hard life, he recently has gotten out of jail and is trying to really turn his life around. This is his life story.
When Rusty grew up, he was an only child, and his parents loved him dearly. Even though he was an only child, he grew up in a very large house with his aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Because of this, his parents often forgot about him. Many time people asked what he was doing in the house, like he was a stranger. Or they would set the table for everyone except one.....Rusty. So he grew up as a teen with an empty hole in his life, that he filled by stealing. Stealing cars. I suppose that's how he got his buisness started...a garage where he would sell the really nice cars he stole. While car stealing took a lot of time, he also liked to secretly sew and bake.
                 Everything went fine for awhile, until one day Rusty stole a police car, and ended up in jail. He spent 10 years thinking about his life and how he really messed up. once he got out, he went to his family and explained that he was their son and they all cried with joy because they all knew they were missing something. So now, Rusty likes to create fashion and he on the start of a world wide fashion company in which he puts all his love and energy in. and when he isn't working, he is spending time with his family.

five found faces

Thursday, September 30, 2010

my composition photos

                                                     CONVERGING LINES
                                                          DIFFERENT ANGLE
                                                        RULE OF THIRDS



Wednesday, September 22, 2010

photo stuff

Photo: A fallen log in Washington's Olympic National Park

Photo: Lightning and dark storm clouds
Photo: Lion yawning

Photo: Snake with its mouth open

Photo: Man standing on an elephant’s tusks

Photo: Close-up of a gecko’s eye


Photo: Workers assembling airplane noses